Thursday, March 1, 2012

BBQ Pork Pizza

I have really got to start taking photos of my food more often.

Anyway, the other night I made one of my favorite pizzas, BBQ Pork Pizza.  I used leftover pork from the Savory Pork Tacos, homemade pizza dough, and delicious veggies.  It was so good Jesse and I ate the entire thing, and Ceasar salad!

*Pizza dough (if you don't want to make your own, Whole Foods sells amazing pizza dough that you can buy fresh.  I also hear that Trader Joe's has pizza dough, but I don't like anything Trader Joe's has to offer.)
*Shredded pork (see recipe in my Savory Pork Tacos post)
*Your favorite BBQ sauce
*Gruyere Cheese (shredded)
*Canned corn
*Red bell pepper (chopped into chunks about the size of the corn kernels)
*Jalapeno (finely chopped)
*Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 425.

Stretch out the pizza dough (never roll) and place on a baking sheet coated with Olive Oil Cooking Spray.  Brush on some BBQ sauce to cover the bottom.  Then top with the shredded pork (as much as you like), then I like to add a little more BBQ sauce in drops over the top of the pork.  Not too much, just enough to add a little more sauciness.  Then top with the corn, red bell pepper, jalapeno, shredded cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and blistery on top.

Let sit for a minute before slicing and diving in.  Enjoy with a salad for a well-rounded meal.

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